Novak North

Software Engineer, Web Developer, and Shopify E-Commerce Specialist

My Mission: build the website of your dreams or scale your e-commerce business via customer focused design, customization, and clear communication

- Mark Novak, MBA

Browse My Work
software engineer web developer e-commerce developer shopify expert software engineer web developer e-commerce developer shopify expert software engineer web developer e-commerce developer shopify expert software engineer web developer e-commerce developer shopify expert

Shopify Services


Full Shopify Store Build

An eye catching Shopify store is a great way to display your brand and products. Let’s build the online store of your dreams from the ground up.


Shopify Store Migration

Shopify is one of the fastest growing e-commerce platforms. Looking to migrate your online store to Shopify? Let’s simplify the process!


Shopify Theme Customization

Shopify has many great themes, but one size typically doesn't fit all needs. Let's develop a custom tailored solution for your business and Shopify store.


Additional Shopify Services

  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • SEO Optimization
  • Speed Optimization
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Shopify App Integration

Web Development Services

Maximize Your Online Presence!

With connectivity on the rise, there is an important need for a strong, reliable, and efficient online presence. Whether you are looking to create a new website from scratch or enhance your current website, we can accomplish your online goals together!

Site Design
Full Site Build and Deployment
Update and Maintenance
Custom Solutions


" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id tortor nec ex placerat maximus. In ultrices dui elit, nec feugiat metus malesuada et. Nunc aliquam quam posuere eros cursus placerat. "

Ricardo Jones

" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id tortor nec ex placerat maximus. In ultrices dui elit, nec feugiat metus malesuada et. Nunc aliquam quam posuere eros cursus placerat. "

Jenny Watson

" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id tortor nec ex placerat maximus. In ultrices dui elit, nec feugiat metus malesuada et. Nunc aliquam quam posuere eros cursus placerat. "

Arlene Miles

" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id tortor nec ex placerat maximus. In ultrices dui elit, nec feugiat metus malesuada et. Nunc aliquam quam posuere eros cursus placerat. "

Nathan Nguyen

Hello and Welcome!

I am a software engineer based in Marquette, MI on the shores of Lake Superior. I earned a Masters of Business Administration and Finance degree from Northern Michigan University, where I also played college hockey and was awarded the ACHA Academic All American award for my academic and athletic achievements.

With a passion for technology and software engineering, I have developed an expert skill set to help individuals and businesses build a better online presence.

Whether the need is a beautiful Shopify store or a personalized website, let's work together to achieve your online goals!

Mark Novak, MBA

Education and Skills

Northern Michigan University
Masters of Business Administration
Bachelor of Science - Finance and Risk Management

Shopify E-Commerce Bootcamp

Front-End Development
Building interactive JavaScript Websites
Learn React
Learn Git
Learn the Command Line

Skills and Technology
Shopify - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - Liquid - Webflow
React - React Router - Redux - npm - git - GitHub - node - Google Analytics


How much does it cost to get started?
How long will the work take from start to finish?
Do you offer other design services beside product design?
Do you offer website maintenance?
How will the discovery call be structured?